Perfectionism ISN'T PERFECT - Just Start! Creating the “Perfect Business Plan” w/ Cielo de la Paz


Welcome to the next episode of Realtor180! In today's fast-paced and competitive world, the pursuit of perfection is often seen as a noble endeavor. However, what if I told you that striving for perfection could be detrimental to your growth and success? In this episode, we will delve into the reasons why it's time to let go of the quest for perfection and embrace the beauty of imperfection. Join us as we uncover valuable insights that will transform the way you approach challenges and opportunities.

Ditching the Quest for Perfection

Perfectionism can be paralyzing. Instead of propelling you forward, it keeps you trapped in an endless cycle of self-doubt and fear. We'll explore the negative impact perfectionism can have on your personal and professional life, and how it stifles creativity and innovation. By understanding the limitations of perfection, you'll be better equipped to set realistic goals and achieve genuine progress.

The Revenue Killer: Working Towards Perfection

You might be surprised to learn that striving for perfection can actually harm your revenue and bottom line. We'll dive into how perfectionism can lead to missed opportunities, delayed product launches, and increased expenses. Discover alternative approaches that can boost your revenue and help you stay ahead in a competitive market.

Creating Priority Lists for Revenue Generation

Time and resources are limited, so it's crucial to focus on activities that will generate revenue. We'll guide you through the process of creating effective priority lists to identify and concentrate on revenue-generating tasks. By aligning your efforts with your business's core objectives, you'll maximize efficiency and see a positive impact on your financial results.

Embracing Failure: Your Path to Growth

Failure is a natural part of any journey to success. Instead of avoiding failure, learn to embrace it as a stepping stone to growth and improvement. We'll share inspiring stories of successful individuals who turned their failures into opportunities. Let go of the fear of failure, and you'll find the courage to take calculated risks and achieve remarkable outcomes.

Putting Your Community First

Success isn't just about individual accomplishments; it's also about the impact you have on your community. Discover the power of shifting your focus from self-centered goals to serving and empowering your community. By genuinely understanding and meeting their needs, you'll build a loyal following and create a positive, lasting influence.

The Journey of Continuous Improvement

Perfection is an elusive goal, but progress is within your reach. Putting your work out there, even if it's not flawless, is the first step toward improvement. We'll explore how taking action and seeking feedback will lead you to create something better with each iteration. Embrace the journey of continuous improvement, and you'll be amazed at how far you can go.

Letting go of the quest for perfection is liberating. By recognizing the limitations of perfectionism and embracing imperfection, you'll unleash your true potential and achieve remarkable success. Remember to focus on revenue-generating tasks, learn from failure, prioritize your community's needs, and keep refining your work. The road to success is paved with imperfections, but it's the willingness to learn and grow that truly sets you apart. Are you ready to take the first step on this transformative journey? Let's embark on it together!

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Realtor180 is a weekly show dedicated to connecting you to top-performing agents nationwide to learn their insider secrets for succeeding on a massive scale. Each week we will discover fresh marketing ideas, business strategies, and doses of inspiration to grow your business to the next level. More importantly, we will hear firsthand from industry experts about the pitfalls to avoid making along the way.

Hit that subscribe button, grab a notebook and sit back because today we will dig into the one thing that will help you turn your business around 180 degrees.

Your host Shawn Kunkler is a San Francisco Realtor and the founder of the Homeward Associates team at Compass.


The Power of Consistency: Unlocking Success as an Entrepreneur w/ Cielo de la Paz